Fix My Bedroom

Fix My Bedroom



10,402 Posts

Discussion Starter · #1 ·

Okay fellow ENFPs, I seriously need your help if you can provide it. My bedroom door has fallen off it's hinges. I don't know how. But it has happened. Not being in a relationship is new for me, so I have no plan when such issues happen. However, I own a drill and have even been known to use it. But, every time I go up to my door and assess the situation, I realize my time can be much better spent than on fixing a damn door that some non-existent boyfriend could fix.

Okay, so what gives? What function is overpowering the necessary ones? Please help me to be effective! Can another ENFP provide me with a step by step plan to fix said door? Seriously! It's still off it's hinges! I want you all to march with me to my door and help me focus and fix it!

This is truly sad to admit and I almost hate myself. Like wtf? I can run 50 miles but I can't fix a damn door???

In addition, I'm gonna have to flat out admit the awareness that this non-fix laziness really stems from the personal perspective that it just looks too damn complicated to fix. Wood and metal has no direct connection to people. Oy! :confused:

Tad Cooper



9,785 Posts

Check the hinges, you might need to buy new ones if they're broken. If they seem fine then you just have to look for the screw holes and see if all the screws are there, in which case you can put it back in place.



10,402 Posts

Discussion Starter · #3 ·

Check the hinges, you might need to buy new ones if they're broken. If they seem fine then you just have to look for the screw holes and see if all the screws are there, in which case you can put it back in place.

Seriously, do you know how less scary this is just because you wrote me?

Okay, hinges are fine. But one screw IS missing (not just in my head people). I shall go to store tomorrow.

Thank you. Apparently I'm a retard who is only motivated only by shallow vanity. Seriously- door looks bad so now I need to fix.

Can most ENFPs fix wood/metal things and this is just me?

Tad Cooper



9,785 Posts

I have no idea, but my house is always falling apart so I've learnt to fix stuff XD I'm also not very good with keeping things from breaking (I can be kind of out of it then break something). My dad also liked to build and fix things and I really respected him so I learnt how to as well! Yay DIY?



345 Posts

I am terrible at doing things like this!

I knew I had a headlight bulb out in the car but I put it off and put it off because I thought that if I went to get the right bulb I wouldn't know which bulb to buy and then I wouldn't be able to get into my headlight casing and then when I did I wouldn't have the right tools. I find I HATE being bad at things so I put it off because I thought it would all get very frustrating. I like to be competent and once I know I can do something well I get a bit bored but the flip side of this is when I feel I have no expertise I don't want to try something if I think I may fail...

Hope you get it sorted!



10,402 Posts

Discussion Starter · #6 ·

I am terrible at doing things like this!

I knew I had a headlight bulb out in the car but I put it off and put it off because I thought that if I went to get the right bulb I wouldn't know which bulb to buy and then I wouldn't be able to get into my headlight casing and then when I did I wouldn't have the right tools. I find I HATE being bad at things so I put it off because I thought it would all get very frustrating. I like to be competent and once I know I can do something well I get a bit bored but the flip side of this is when I feel I have no expertise I don't want to try something if I think I may fail...

Hope you get it sorted!

So it's my perfectionism that is causing this laziness? Seriously. I hate Ne in such circumstance. I can foresee the failure.

I truly suck at craftmanship. I need to be "okay" with being "mediocre" at something. Still not understanding functions involved.



345 Posts

Well, if you're anything like me then as long as you don't try to fix the door there is always the possibility that you are the world's best door-fixer. Once you start thought.... Who knows? :crazy:




301 Posts

Stop being so illogical :tongue:. If you're only missing the screws, just bring one of the original screws with you so you can find a matching or similar piece. Don't lose the original screw, of course. Although, I don't even know the extent of the damage on your door. Pictures would be nice.



565 Posts

I suck at doing any type of repairs. I've learned out of necessity how to do any number of things on cars and around the house. Small things, not big things. And yes, putting things off... yeah... I'm glad I don't have any friends who feel the need to visit me at home. Gawd this place is a mess.



30 Posts

good luck with that! i always avoid dealing with repairs, i promised myself i'd get the windows in my bathroom replaced when i moved in.. that was almost a year ago (and i didnt even have to do it myself, just get someone to come in and do it!).



1,728 Posts

I'd fix your door, but the post office said it was against the rules to mail myself somewhere. :unsure:



318 Posts

Wait! You've hit something spot on with this thread!

It's something I've spent a ton of time thinking about, I used to fix arcade machines for a living, and having extremely under-developed functions for which to do that really hurt me. Also, I run into problems with my job when I need to do simple things like wash windows or wipe down counter tops.

I've traced it so far to a feeling of inadequacy when I know that I won't do the job well, or fast enough, or whatever, and not being able to do such a simple task well makes me feel REALLY shitty. I feel as though I am incompetent and worthless, and so I reject doing it and get defensive and angry without knowing why, or am just really bothered when I have to do simple things like that.

MOAR FEEDBACK PLEASE! I totally thought it was only me that dealt with this.



345 Posts

You need to spell more right ;)

He he, sorry, am a real stickler for spelling.

I hate cleaning the garlic press in our house, so much so that I will wash up and tidy everything else but leave that for someone else. It takes forever to get all the little holes clean and you have to stick a knife in it and wiggle it around and it is so frustrating! I even bought a jar of chopped garlic so we wouldn't need to use it. Silly things eh?

Jobs I also hate include changing a duvet cover and putting a fitted sheet on a bed

Tad Cooper



9,785 Posts

You need to spell more right ;)

He he, sorry, am a real stickler for spelling.

I hate cleaning the garlic press in our house, so much so that I will wash up and tidy everything else but leave that for someone else. It takes forever to get all the little holes clean and you have to stick a knife in it and wiggle it around and it is so frustrating! I even bought a jar of chopped garlic so we wouldn't need to use it. Silly things eh?

Jobs I also hate include changing a duvet cover and putting a fitted sheet on a bed

Just use a big knife, it makes it more interesting :)

Um, with the whole 'feeling bad about being bad at stuff' I get that.



10,402 Posts

Discussion Starter · #15 ·

Just use a big knife, it makes it more interesting :)

Um, with the whole 'feeling bad about being bad at stuff' I get that.

I can totally relate to everything you all were saying. I really feel like I need to take a special class first to do these things. Then I know I'm doing it right. I like being skilled.

I also suck at picture hanging when I move into a new home. I have all the fancy tools to hang nice artwork, but I still just want to put a tack in the wall and be done with it.

And oy, the duvet cover.... I totally relate. I've found that some tasks that are most painful have to be done right away. If I let them wait, I won't do it and I start acclimating to either living without or something broken. So I understood the garlic press example quite well.

I am also enjoying this conversation about my door, rather than actually fixing it. :happy: But things of this nature do need to be analyzed and discussed. :laughing:



10,402 Posts

Discussion Starter · #16 ·

OMG! I fixed my door!!!! However, I did have to be on the phone focusing on conversation while doing it. :happy:



318 Posts

You need to spell more right ;)

He he, sorry, am a real stickler for spelling.

I hate cleaning the garlic press in our house, so much so that I will wash up and tidy everything else but leave that for someone else. It takes forever to get all the little holes clean and you have to stick a knife in it and wiggle it around and it is so frustrating! I even bought a jar of chopped garlic so we wouldn't need to use it. Silly things eh?

Jobs I also hate include changing a duvet cover and putting a fitted sheet on a bed

MOAR was in reference to:




438 Posts

Where are the hinges?. Attached to the door or to the jam?
Check the holes in the jam or the door where the hinges attach. Are the screws broken off in the holes?.
If not that is good.
Are the hinges broken or bent?. Check by closing the hinges together. The two halves should lay parrallel to each other.
If all is good with the hinges, grab a screw driver and remove a screw from the hinge where it is fastened to the door or the jam. Take the screw to the local hardware and get some more the same diameter, or slightly larger (provided it passes through the hole). Get screws which are longer by about 5/16ths of an inch. Stand the door in the open position and wedge it up slightly along the base till the holes in the hinges meet the holes in the door/jam where they came apart. Place one screw in the top hinge one in the bottom hinge. Ensure they are driven all the way home. Lots of inward pressure as you drive them. Remove your wedge. Install remaining screws. Close door and have a vodka.

Oh, u fixed it.



95 Posts

haha grats on succeeding. What a random and funny thread.

Nope, I'm actually good with tools. Guess I'm well developed? I'm a handyman for my oldest brother whenever he need me for his remodeling gig. He's a picky guy and prefer me over my sensing type brother.

Next time, just go to the home department store and I'm pretty sure they can be more of a help. it just me or is the door a symbol for something else? I was trying to analyze it like its a metaphor:crazy:.



10,402 Posts

Discussion Starter · #20 ·

haha grats on succeeding. What a random and funny thread.

Nope, I'm actually good with tools. Guess I'm well developed? I'm a handyman for my oldest brother whenever he need me for his remodeling gig. He's a picky guy and prefer me over my sensing type brother.

Next time, just go to the home department store and I'm pretty sure they can be more of a help. it just me or is the door a symbol for something else? I was trying to analyze it like its a metaphor:crazy:.

Lol. You are SO Ne. No metaphor. We probably do this with people too. Like maybe there are some really simple people. But we tend to look for the hidden meaning. Or Ne wanting to play, we decide they are "complex". Like the more ordinary and simple they are, the more we find them intriguing. Haha.

Well I have been happy as a clam since I fixed my door. So much that I've decided that the things I accomplish that I didn't want to do build greater self esteem than accomplishing the things I wanted to do anyway. So I'm like-run 50 miles? Yeah sure, that's great but I wanted to do it anyway. But fix my damn bedroom door that I didn't even want to deal with-DAMN I am so happy I got it done. And I got it done WELL! I just can't believe what a nice job I did. It's even and everything! I had been dealing with the door being broken for a week!

Fix My Bedroom


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